Hello world, meet Abby Mattison!
Welcome, after a good amount of work from our volunteers as well as our trusty web captain Jeff Spicer, we are now afloat again. We’ve changed the flow a bit to accommodate increased web interaction. Covid is a terrible beastie, but it’s given us an opportunity to retool and reach an expanded group of folks here online.
Below is the first of our series of artist trailers for the 2020 Virtual Dixon Studio Tour, were we’ll be showing several artist interviews, local and tour history, and some live demonstrations from our members.
Abby Mattison is a jeweler at the end of the Apodaca road, she was gracious to be first in the series, and kind enough welcome me to her beautiful studio and home.
Please come share a minute with Abby!
Meet Apodaca jeweler Abby Mattison, stay tuned for our expanded interview to be debuted Nov 7th for the 2020 Virtual Dixon Studio Tour
—Brian Barreto